Powershell Basics
This is a pocket guide to PowerShell for penetration testers. Advanced users will get nothing out of this.
Setting Variables:
Retrieving values:
Put conditionals inside {}
Match String
You can use ?
to represent the output of the last command:
Print all elements in $a:
Execute a command returned by the loop use &
Assign var $x
to each elm:
General Tips
Create a list split by a delim
Get current powershell version:
Run older version of powershell:
Execution Policy
Execution policy is not a security protection. It is very easily bypassed. You can run PowerShell with the -noprofile
to do so. You can also change the execution policy using:
Bypass Execution policy when running script
Get Execution policy
Set Execution policy
Download and Run:
Linux to PowerShell
Cat: Get-Content
Grep: -Select-String -pattern "password"
Last updated