# Basic output
tcpdump -i <interface>
# Verbose output
tcpdump -A -i <interface>
# redirect to pcap file
tcpdump -A -i <interface> -w /tmp/tcpdump.pcap
# SSH Local folder to remote
scp -r <local folder> <username>@<IP>:/<pathToFolder>
#SSH Remote folder to Local
scp -r <username>@<IP>:/<pathToFolder> .
Dangerous. Easily detected by SOC. Can result in network device being blocked (hence potential DOS attack)
macof -i <interface>
# Does not work with Arp validation enabled
ettercap -T -i <interface> -M arp
# Non auth
siege -v -c 100 <url>
# Cookie Auth
siege -v -c 100 -H 'Cookie: name=value' <url>
# List Interfaces
# Stop Interface
airmon-ng stop <interface>
# Start Capture
airmon-ng start <Interface> <Channel>
# Collect Handshake
airodump-ng -c <Channel> --bssid <bssid> -w psk <interface>
# Crack Password
aircrack-ng -w wordlist psk*.cap
airmon-ng start wlan0
mdk3 mon0 d -i <essid>